Gluten free life | Жизнь без глютена

Recepies of dishes and the way of life

About me

Hi! My name is Olya. I like to eat tasty food especially different kinds of bakery, which I always ate a lot. From the early childhood I had lot’s of problems with my digestion until I began to eat intuitively. I start listening my body and eat only what I want and when I want. Since then health problems have become much smaller.

At 2005-2006 I began to practice yoga and then learned even better how to hear the needs of my body and I stopped eating meat. First I stopped eating pork and beef and than, somewhere in may 2011, I stopped eating chicken. That time I for the first time in my life faced the fact that it is very difficult to drastically modify your diet, leaving it tasty and varied at the same time. Force of habit affects your life and abandoning some products you continue to eat the same as before, but eliminating some of the dishes. But not adding anything new! And it’s hard, because the variety of meals in the diet becomes much less 🙂 Gradually I rearranged my menu, discovered new vegetable dishes and began to eat a lot of fish and seafood (Now I eat them from time to time. Sometimes it is every day and sometimes stop eating it, it depends on the surrounding conditions and the desires of my body.

In may 2015 I was faced with this situation (of abrupt change of diet) the second time, when the doctor told me that I have gluten and lactose intolerance. At first I don’t quite understand how it will affect my life and then periods of sadness for cakes/ice creams were replaced by the periods of the discoveries of entirely new products, spices and dishes 🙂 Luckily I already have the experience of transition to a new diet so now I almost immediately began to study what are the alternatives to my diet and what I can do to please myself.

The difference of gluten free and lactose free diets from vegan diet, for example, that it adds more stringent conditions. Regarding compliance of the diet, cooking, and also – where to eat, etc.

During gluten free diet I have accumulated many recipes and many different discoveries and simple tips that can help people who just faced with a similar situation – to start a new life as comfortable as possible and to avoid many mistakes (not all prohibited products is obvious); give new information to people already following a diet without gluten and decided to learn something new about this issue; and – to assist those whose friends or family follows gluten free diet (what is gluten and gluten free food, how to treat and how to feed such friends).

Given the fact that I am practically a vegan (among plant foods I eat only eggs and occasionally fish and seafood) and repelled by my experience of life without gluten and without lactose I’m mostly going to talk about vegetable products and dishes prepared from them. No meat, no chicken, no animal milk, no wheat, no oats (more about this in the blog).

I hope my tips will be useful for you! Living gluten free and lactose free life can be very good and tasty and may be even better and tastier than before 😉

P.S. Due to the fact that I’m Russian, English is not my native language. So please don’t pay much attention to my mistakes, hope they wouldn’t bother you 🙂