Gluten free life | Жизнь без глютена

Recepies of dishes and the way of life

Lactose free

(Русский) Какую еду взять с собой

(Русский) Большой выбор безглютеновых перекусов, которые можно брать с собой.

Blini gluten free & lactose free (pancakes)

Blini – very tasty Russian meal, try it gluten free.

Gluten free & lactose free chocolate

Please note: only few kinds of chocolates allowed in gluten free and lactose free diet.

Gluten free breakfasts

Several kinds of delicious and quick gluten free breakfast.

Gluten free Ekaterinburg

Special gluten free goods that can be found in Ekaterinburg.

Funchoza with vegetables

Delicious glass noodles with carrot and paprika.